Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Let me hold you

I had to write this to sleep after meeting an old couple:

Let me hold you on heights
as we climb up towards the sky
to conquer vertical limits
have joy with ropes and rocks
and say hello to fellow eagles.

Let me hold you under the stars
bare feet on a sandy ocean
walking along playful tides
when lighthouse greets sailors
and you lean on me so quietly.

Let me hold you in the rain
when our shoes are soaking wet
with splashes on a dark, narrow street
stopping beside the stone wall
you tell me you are cold.

Let me hold you on the dance floor
when tango frees bodies and souls
as we convey emotions and desires
with lifted eyebrows and tapping toes
you sweep one foot and bend on your knee.

And when we get old.........

Let me hold you on the sofa
and keep you warm in my blanket
as we flip photos with wrinkled hands
our eyes invite tears to cherish
those moment of youth, love and joy.


  1. "with lifted eyebrows and tapping toes" and "as we flip photos with wrinkled hands" - very creative way to express things - is this originally yours or inspired from some one else?

  2. @Imran, Thanks :)
    @Anonymous, I dont know if its creative or not but thats how I felt.

  3. Very moving. I really like it.

  4. Thanks Murtaza. Coming from a good writer like you, its a compliment.

  5. great work sonia...why does it makes me worry about a dear friend :(
